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Nashville Tennessee Personal Injury
Serious Injuries

Nashville Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyer Kevin Moore {Amputations Injuries}

You Deserve Superior Personal Injury Representation!

A ttorneys at the Kevin Moore Personal Injury Law Firm help victims of Tennessee injuries receive just compensation for their losses. We're not just another law firm. We're not just any lawyers. We are highly experienced personal injury attorneys - that is what we do. We serve clients throughout Tennessee from our office Nashville.

If your injury is serious enough and your case is important enough to you then contact a lawyer. It is critical that you do the research to find a reputable, capable attorney. We believe our success in recovering large awards and settlements speaks for itself about the quality of our representation, quality that we refer to as the "Advantage of Experience."

This Website discusses our PI legal practice and our credentials, and it provides some general information on Nashville Tennessee Personal Injury Law. Every case is unique and deserves to be evaluated on its own merits. Please contact us for a free consultation before making a decision about representation. You will speak with Kevin Moore directly not a staff member.

Our Firm welcomes the challenges offered by difficult cases involving serious injuries and complex issues. We know how to fight opposing lawyers and the insurance companies and win. If you have been injured in an accident due to the negligence of any other party, do not hesitate to call and talk to us. You should know that we often collect damages well beyond what the insurance companies offer. You deserve to know your valuable Legal Rights.

You Need An Attorney Who Specializes In Personal Injury (PI) Law

What you don't need is a lawyer who "also" practices PI cases. More and more, laws are being written that are only fully understood by those few lawyers who are highly competent in specific areas. Finding the "right lawyer", means a lawyer with substantial personal injury (PI, Workers Comp & SSD) knowledge and experience, is what you want when you need competent help. Lawyers should be selected for their expertise and experience in specific specialties of law. The "right lawyer" for your Personal Injury case is the person who has substantial experience handling a case very similar to yours, who can and will take action at once.

Kevin Moore and his Nashville Tennessee Personal Injury law firm is who you want and what you need!

Nashville & Tennessee Serious Injuries Attorney

We are distinguished from most other law firms in Nashville and Tennessee because 100% of our cases involve injuries, personal injury, or wrongful death. We exclusively represent plaintiffs, and do not represent big corporations or insurance companies, although we have extensive experience dealing with these defendants. Kevin Moore has over two decades fighting for his clients' rights and getting the just compensation for their injuries. His expertise gives his clients a unique advantage (The Advantage of Experience) and results in the maximum settlement or verdict for their case

Not all personal injury cases result in serious injuries but those that do usually require marshaling all of the resources available to get our clients the medical help that they need and getting a quick resolution in their suits against negligent parties that caused their injuries. Time is important in Personal Injury cases and critical in serious injury cases - important evidence can disappear or be covered up, unfair offers of settlements can come at times when your thoughts are on survival and recovery and not on "slippery" insurance companies and businesses. For a free Initial Consultation without any obligations please contact Kevin Moore as soon as you can. You need to know your rights and possibilities for proper compensation. You may call him in Nashville at (615) 500-0716 or state-wide in Tennessee, Toll Free, at (888) 452-3043.

When you are sick, you put your trust and your health in the hands of medical care providers who can make you feel better. If you have suffered a personal injury due to accidents, negligence, or medical errors, you know where you can turn; Kevin Moore's Personal Injury law firm!.

Dedication to Serious Injury Victims

Kevin and his team will aggressively pursue your accident case regardless of severity but, because of the long term effect on you and you family due to serious injuries, we pull out all stops in getting the care and compensation you may need for the long term or even your lifetime. We will conduct a thorough assessment of your injury, its cause, and its impact on your life in order to determine whether or not a case should be pursued. We aggressively protect the rights of our clients and their families in all types of serious injury claims:

  • Animal Bites: Getting bitten by a dog is the fifth most frequent cause of visits to emergency rooms caused by activities common among children. If negligence is involved we will help you get the compensation you deserve.
  • Automobile Accident Injuries: With so much money at stake, insurance companies become highly aggressive. Kevin will usually prevent the other insurance company from taking any statements that can later be twisted and used against the person who is injured.
  • Birth Injuries: You want nothing more than a healthy baby. If the negligent actions of nurses or doctors have impacted the health of your child forever, they should be held accountable.
  • Brain & Head Injuries: Brain injuries can seriously impact your ability to function in everyday activities.
  • Child Injuries: When you, your child or another loved one has suffered a traumatic injury, it can feel like your entire life has been turned upside down. While you handle the emotional aspects of your victimized and injured child, we will focus on all the legal issues related to your case and strive to secure compensation based on the damages suffered.
  • DUI-DWI Injuries: The Personal Injury lawyer, Kevin A. Moore, knows how to hold negligent drinking establishments and servers of alcohol liable under Tennessee state dram shop laws. Kevin aggressively pursues all negligent parties to DUI/DWI injuries
  • Fire &Burn Injuries: Burn injuries can be among the most severe injuries a person can sustain, resulting in scarring, pain, loss of function, and emotional trauma. Kevin helps you receive the compensation you deserve.
  • Hospital Injuries: If you have been injured in a hospital, you may not know who is responsible and whether it was preventable. We can conduct a thorough investigation on your behalf to determine if you have a meritorious claim
  • Misdiagnosis: Did your doctor fail to diagnose your medical condition? If your condition got worse because it was not diagnosed and treated, we can help protect your rights.
  • Motorcycle Accident Injuries: A successful motorcycle injury lawsuit by Kevin will ensure that you are compensated for all your provable damages.
  • Pedestrian Accidents: Determining who is negligent in pedestrian cases can be tricky. Many factors must be taken into account; Kevin and his investigators will prepare a compelling case based on all the evidence.
  • Slip and Fall Injuries: You can rely on Kevin Moore to skillfully manage your slip & fall accident case from investigating your case to filing a claim to negotiating a settlement or taking the case to trial.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Can be caused by trauma or surgical mishaps. Failure to promptly diagnose and treat spinal cord injuries can result in permanent disability.
  • Truck Accident Injuries: Kevin tells you what to do and when to do it in order to protect yourself and your legal rights.
  • Workplace Accidents: Our Tennessee law firm is well-equipped to achieve first-class results for its Workplace Accident clients
  • Wrongful Death: If you have lost a loved one due to the negligent actions of a doctor, nurse, or other health care professional, we can help your family through these difficult times.

We bring in the whole team for complex serious injury cases. Starting with Kevin interviewing you and the negligent parties and then involving our investigators, law enforcement, clinical medical professionals and psychological medical professionals to collect evidence and assess your near-term and long-term needs and issues. When we are done you can feel confident that Kevin will be well prepared to negotiate and, if necessary, try your case.

Contact an Experienced Personal injury Lawyer

Your future and the future of your family are too important to trust to a less experienced law firm. Kevin has a track record of success, as well as the necessary experience and background to handle your injury claims, and he always provides the personal service you seek. Contact the Kevin , or call our offices anytime in Nashville: (615) 500-0716 or statewide in Tennessee, Toll Free, at (888) 452-3043. Kevin will provide you with a no cost or obligation Initial Consultation to discuss your situation and provide you information regarding your legal rights, options, and responsibilities. Kevin is passionate about his role as your advocate and treats his clients with complete respect and compassion. Kevin is committed to utilizing all available legal advantages and tactics to successfully resolve your personal injury claim.

You Need An Attorney Who Knows Tennessee Personal Injury Cases related to Serious Accidents

Do Not Sign Any Insurance Release Claim Without a Legal Review

If you have already signed a release, all is not lost!  We can and have successfully handled cases and had such releases nullified when it has been in our clients' interests. Release forms are not written to protect you - they are written to protect the insurance company and, when their clients are at fault, they are written to protect them. Call us and let us review your case and any release form before you sign it. Kevin offers free consultations to look over the facts of your case!

Your Insurance Agent Does Not Really Work For You!

You may be good friends with your insurance agent, we are with ours, but unlike attorneys who do have legal (fiduciary) responsibilities to their clients, most insurance agents are employees of their respective companies and they keep their employers' interests in mind for all cases. We do believe that the vast majority of insurance agents act with integrity but in Personal Injury circumstances you really do want your legal advocate to protect all of your interests.

Claims Are Not Limited To Insurance Coverage

Even though the party that injured you may have insurance there are many cases where the injuries and long term impacts go beyond their insurance coverage. There may also be second and third parties involved who share the legal and financial responsibilities. As your advocate Kevin investigates all avenues in getting you as much compensation for your personal injury as possible. Kevin has the knowledge and the resources to get you the compensation that you deserve.

Reasonable Expectations: 

If your accident resulted from the negligence of another party, you should rightfully expect quality care, covering all of your injury related expenses, compensation for property loss or damage, and possibly entitled to compensation including monetary damages for pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of enjoyment of life and loss of earning capacity. These are reasonable expectations but all too often you end up having to fight individuals & insurance companies for your rightful compensation! You don't have to settle for what the Insurance Company proposes.

You may need a fighter by your side!

You may need a fighter by your side! Just when you are at your weakest you may have to fight! Insurance companies are notorious for denying claims, stalling appeals, and denying rightful or quality care and services. The insurance company's goal is to save money - not to assure you your rightful care and compensation. There are thousands and thousands of cases where, with the right lawyer representing amputations cases, that the insurance companies have their denials of services and claims denied by a Judge. The injured parties can win if they have the right attorney taking on the fight for them - not a firm that is distracted by other practices and is willing to settle for less!

At the Nashville Tennessee Personal Injury Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore, you can be assured that our Personal Injury legal team will listen to you with compassion and understanding. Attorney Kevin More is well qualified to have your medical records evaluated, communicate with your doctors and therapists and encourage you to follow the prescribed recommended therapies to make sure that you are getting everything you are entitled to under Tennessee PI law. If you are not getting what you are entitled to, Kevin is ready to fight the insurance companies for you at Mediations and, if necessary, at trial. With Kevin Moore as your attorney, you will have the best Nashville Tennessee PI lawyer in the State representing you!

Kevin Moore's Experience: 

Kevin Moore has been aggressively practicing law and guiding and protecting his clients' interests since 1992. Kevin and his Firm have handled over 4,500 Personal Injury cases and a significant number of cases involving accidents. No Nashville Tennessee attorney will do a better job in seeing that you get justice and compensation for your loss and injuries. Call us or contact us now. Our consultations are always free and you never pay a fee unless we win your case. In Nashville or State Wide the Nashville Tennessee PI Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore will be on your side and by your side.

We Are Here To Serve You, Not Ourselves

Our main marketing tool is taking care of the clients we have. We know that when we do a good job for you that the word will go out and our business will grow. Our culture revolves around client services. Our primary focus is to do excellent work for each and every client; to go all out and win the case. Building solid relationships with our clients and producing great results will translate into referrals helping our business grow.